“Reach out and let me help you.
I’m here for you call me now!!!”
-KEANO, spiritual consultant and powerful master in love
All New Yorkers ride the subway - it is the great melting box. Around 2012, flyers for a spiritual consultant called KEANO began appearing in New York City subway cars, most often jammed behind the plexiglass of the official advertisements. The flyers proliferated to the point of ubiquity - in 2018, this image is likely recognizable to anyone who spends significant time on the train.
This is an image we may see every day yet never consider. It registers as just another image in the daily vocabulary of countless promotional graphics - a language that we are so fluent in as to intake it without processing.
The KEANO flyer, an intriguing piece of contemporary New York City subway iconography, was digitized and reworked for this collection. All pieces are unique and screen printed in New York City on secondhand items, re-contextualizing this image onto a variety of new canvases.
Information about KEANO is scarce.
The phone numbers listed on the flyer do not work.
Who is KEANO?